Trend System
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Connect with the right person, right now from anywhere through any media to any device.
Unified communications that improve efficiency, collaboration, customer service―and ultimately competitiveness by integrating voice, video, and data,
enabling users to communicate and collaborate in real-time. This eliminates inefficiencies in communications to make organizations more productive and
responsive. TS provides you with the experts in this domain to deploy a complete IP telephony suite on one easy-to-manage system with the following advantages:

– Seamlessly integrated
– Productivity focused
– As per the Industry Standards
– Reliable and secure
– Unified Communication & Collaboration
– Traditional PABX Solutions
– IP Telephony Solutions
– IP, Digital & Analog Extensions
– SIP, Digital & Analog CO Trunks
– Integration with Hospitality Feature (Opera System)
– Integration with Property Management System (PMS)
– Call Detail Recording (CDR)
– Voice Mail Feature
– Voice Gateway